
Printmaking Workshops

Upcoming workshops

print club - wooler no.6 gallery

I’m running a series of four classes at Gallery No.6 in Wooler from 5th-26th March. This may lead to more if they are successful!! At Print Club you will get an introduction to a different printmaking technique each week.

Find out more/Book Print Club

Online (free)

Introduction to linocut at the Borders Art Fair 2022 (online)  I’ll take you through the process of creating your own linocut with a few simple tools. No press required.

Monoprinting at home with the Borders Art Fair 2023 (online) Three mono-printing techniques you can do at home without a printing press.

I announce regular workshops here and you can join my mailing list to be notified about my plans.

Workshops and tuition

Interested in a hiring me for a printmaking workshop or tuition in my new Berwick studio? Contact me to find out more.


I meet so many people who would ‘love to give printing a go’ or who have had a linocut tool buried in a drawer somewhere for years and need some motivation to get started. A workshop is a great introduction to printmaking and some of the concepts you need to get your head around. I believe learning should be fun and make sure the classes are relaxed and informal, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and chat.

Kids Workshops

Printmaking can be a very ‘free-ing’ form of art for kids. I often here ‘I can’t draw’ or ‘I’m rubbish at art’ before a workshop. None of this matters with printing. Children are encouraged to use pre-carved stamps, founds objects, hands or whatever else they can think of to make beautful crads, posters or books. It’s a great way to let children express themselves without having to do anything in particular.

Here are some photos from recent workshops…